The lab that my group and I decided to investigate was the like the glue, water, and borax lab, but we changed the amounts of glue, water, and borax, keeping it proportionate to the one that we made in the other lab. Our medium glue ball polymer contained 40 mL of white glue, 525 mL of water, and 2 tsp of borax. Our small glue ball polymer contained exactly half of the medium polymer, 20 mL of white glue, 1 tsp of borax, and 212.5 mL of water. The large polymer ball was double of the medium glue ball polymer, 70 mL of white glue, 1050 mL of water, and 4 teaspoons of borax. That was the first thing that we changed, but we also added another variable, we made 3 more small glue polymers and molded them into 3 different shapes, a cube, football, and a pyramid. With both of these experiments we were testing how high they could bounce when dropped from 30 cm. My hypothesis for the first experiment was that the small glue ball will bounce the highest because it has the least mass, which makes it bounce high. My hypothesis for the second experiment was that the football shaped polymer glue ball will bounce the highest because of the shape because actual footballs do bounce, and the football is in the same family as the ball. Neither one of my hypothesises were correct. In the first experiment the large ball bounced the highest, but the medium glue ball had the highest average. In the second experiment the cube had the highest bounce and the highest average. I think that reason our hypothesises didn’t work is because we did not really think scientifically about what we writing about. Somethings that I observed is that when there is air pocket in the ball when it is being formed it’s not going to form that well until its popped. Also, another thing that I noticed is that the glue balls were really sticky and lumpy and they had to dipped in the water and borax solution.
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